Quick Turns finish to 1 gallon in 12-16 weeks, 1 gallon shifts to 2-3 gallon in 16-20 weeks.
Black Vine Weevils can be a problem in some cases
Prune all varieties once before bud break, once during flushing, and once more later in the season to produce a balanced plant.
Barberry does not rebound quickly from severe shearing or pruning - do not cut into thick stems. Trim to shape only.
All Sunjoy® barberries are selected to require minimal pruning in order to take on desirable container presentation.
Watch for spider mites in Sunjoy® Tangelo, Citrus and Cinnamon. Check for aphids on all varieties.
Can be grown along with evergreens, as barberry requires similar conditions.
Potting a 2 ¼” liner directly to a 3 gallon is not recommended.